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    Hundreds of Islamic Students Become Witnesses to the History of the Launch of the Book ‘Natural Koran with Abah Yai Muharror Ali’

    ByRaul Grant

    Oct 22, 2023
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    Situs Slot online. The commemoration of National Santri Day in Lebak was centered at Multatuli Rangkasbitung Square, Sunday and this activity was also used to send prayers to Palestine which is currently hit by conflict. RTP Live King88bet

    King88bet Slot Link . Momentum of Santri Day, Chairman of the Gerindra Fraction of the East Java DPRD, Fawait, Received the Dewi Sartika Award
    “We are quite concerned about the humanitarian tragedy that occurred in Gaza, Palestine,” said Lebak Regent Iti Oktavia in his speech on Santri Day in Lebak, Sunday.

    RTP Live King88bet .He hopes that the violence occurring in Palestine will soon stop because there are many victims, especially mothers and children. RTP Live King88bet

    Regarding Santri Day, Iti said that the struggle of santri to defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) is no longer like it used to be against invaders with weapons. King88bet Slot Link

    However, currently students must strive to play an active role wich to be better by having superior intellectual and human resources (HR) and morals. King88bet Slot Link

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    Maman Saefullah, a student at the La Tahzan Rangkasbitung Islamic school, Lebak Regency

    admitted that he felt called to build this nation to be better with science. Situs Slot online

    “We are motivated to study harder according to the regent’s remarks at the commemoration of Santri Day,” he explained.


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    At that moment, hundreds of students witnessed the history of the launch of a book by

    the Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Boarding School alumnus, Ahmad Adirin. RTP Live King88bet

    at the local Islamic boarding yard, Sunday (22/10/2023).

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